Attendance at scheduled conferences is monitored, with a goal of 70% attendance to account for clinical obligations and time off. The conference series addresses the first three aims of the program, with a primary emphasis on successful passage of the American Board of Pediatrics exam following completion of the training program.
Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds
Weekly Grand Rounds speakers include Baylor Scott & White pediatric medical staff, guest lecturers and residents . Several of the guest speakers are known nationally or internationally in their area of expertise. General and subspecialty clinical issues, health policy and pediatric research are some examples of the types of topics presented.
Core Curriculum (Half-day Conference)
Residents have weekly half day conference led by various faculty and staff members. They cover a broad range of board-relevant topics that encompass both general and subspecialty clinical areas. Additional topics such as excellence in telemedicine, billing/coding, child advocacy, residents as teachers, evidence based medicine, quality improvement, procedural skills, food insecurities, and social determinants of health supplement the core medical knowledge series.
Journal Club
A discussion based, multidisciplinary journal club series is facilitated by PGY-3's who are mentored by faculty in their areas of clinical expertise. Residents read an article of current literature to facilitate discussion and focus on mastering evidence-based medicine concepts through guided practice.
Simulation Training
Simulation is shifting the paradigm of medical education from didactic lectures to a hands-on approach. Simulation also supports the practice of safer medicine.
In pediatrics, the residents perform mock codes both in the simulation center and at the bedside under the supervision of one of the PICU/MSU physicians. The attending physicians also work one-on-one with residents throughout the course of their residency to become more comfortable with specific procedures, including bag-valve mask technique, neonatal and pediatric intubations, central line placement, IV placement, and other resuscitation skills.
Our residency wellness events vary from group discussions to social gatherings as well as annual program wide and class specific retreats.